Workshops, Artist Talks, Writing

Finding Folk performance ensemble “The Randomers” at Museum of English Rural Life, Reading, UK November 20, 2018

2023. Writer, BlackFlash, “Talking About Sounds Like (An Experimental Opera Response)”

2022. Speaker, guest artist, “Kitchen Party” w Johanna Householder and Judith Price, DAG, Regina

2019. Composer/musician/programmer, creation residency with Tina Pearson, Grey Room, Victoria

2019. Workshop leader, Finding Folk for Music Composition, Sounds Like Festival, Saskatoon

2019. Workshop leader, Finding Folk for Music, Regina Public Library, Regina

2019. Parole artiste, CCF Mentorat et visibilité, La Troupe du Jour, Saskatoon

2019. Workshop leader, Ateliers des Balados w Z. Fortier, Pavillon Gustave-Dubois, Saskatoon

2019. Workshop leader, Finding Silence for Listening, CNMN Conversations 2019, Winnipeg

2018. Workshop leader, Pro-Finding Anti-Folk, Museum of English Rural Life, Reading, UK

2018. Workshop leader, Let’s Get Bend, electronics hacking, AGSM, Brandon

2018. Writer, Omnivorous Listeners, Institute for Research in Music and Community, Brandon

2017. Artist in Residence, Plain A.I.R. (December), CJTR Radio, Regina

2017. Speaker, address from the jury, Saskatchewan Arts Awards, Remai Modern, Saskatoon

2017. Panel Member, Conversation on music of Martin Arnold, of-the-now, Victoria

2017. Guest Presenter, MUS407/507 computer music seminar, UVic

2016. Instructor, Glitch-Synth Circuit-Bending Workshop, at Possible Worlds, Ottawa

2016. Lecturer, Notation, Visual Space, Transcription, Concordia University, Montreal

2015. Presenter, Art Now, Lethbridge

2015. Feature artist, Crossing Boundaries Keynote Conversations in Fine Art series, Lethbridge

2014. Workshop Leader, Music Notation & Sound, Saskatoon International Children’s Festival

2013. Writer, Pianos: Playing, Value, and Augmentation, with K. Irwin, M/C Journal, Vol. 16, No. 6

2012. Writer, A Critical Examination of Circuit-Bending, Blackflash, Issue 29.2, Saskatoon

2011. Interview, emerging artist feature in Music Works magazine, Toronto

2011. Writer, essay for PickUpPutDown, sound installation by Ellen Moffat, PAVED Arts, Saskatoon

2011. Instructor, Toying with Sound workshop, Dunlop Art Gallery, Regina

2011. Featured artist, Prairie Postmodern public television series, Regina

2011. Presenter, Toys Gone Rogue Artist Talk, the Dunlop Art Gallery, Regina

2011. Instructor, Circuit-Bending Workshop, SAW Video, Ottawa

2011. Writer, essay for untitled (horizon), sound installation by Annie Martin, PAVED Arts, Saskatoon

2011. Instructor, Music and Composition, Live Arts Education Broadcast, Regina

2011. Instructor, Music, Electronics, and Performance, workshop series, Balkwill Centre, Regina

2011. Instructor, Intro to MaxMSP for Media Artists, 4-week workshop series, IMP Lab, Regina

2010. Presenter, Humour and Musical Form, lecture as part of Dorkbot Regina Tour, Moose Jaw

2010. Writer, essay for listening room series, by Annie Martin, Contrary Projects, Regina

2010. Instructor, Microphone Lab at PAVED Arts, Saskatoon

2010. Instructor, Contact Microphones and Circuit-Bending workshop, IPAC, Prince Albert

2009. Instructor, SCES Workshop Tour, 25+ schools across rural and Northern Saskatchewan

2009. Instructor. Noisies with Toysies! circuitbending workshop, 5th Parallel Gallery, Regina

2009. Presenter, Z-Axis Panel Discussion, PAVED Arts, Saskatoon

2009. Instructor, Pure Data Workshop Series, PAVED Arts, Saskatoon

2009. Instructor, Percussion Workshop at MacKenzie Art Gallery, Regina

2008. Instructor, Intro to Digital Home Recording, workshop series, Long & McQuade, Regina

2008. Instructor, Ableton Live Workshops, IMP Labs, University of Regina

2008. Instructor, Circuit-Board Band Camp, Fernwood Community Centre, Victoria

2008. Instructor, Contact Microphone & Circuit-Bending Workshop, Open Space, Victoria

2007. Instructor, Noise With Toys Circuit-Bending and PureData Workshops, Saskatoon

2005. Lecturer, Re:mote Regina Symposium, Neutral Ground, Regina

2001. Lecturer-Performer, Music of Christian Wolff on two pianos, MusCan, Quebec City